This region has many esteemed Engineering Medical and MBA institutions that are already well known
for producing some of the best minds of the country for their contribuon(s) to several industries.
XLRI Jamshedpur, IIM Ranchi , BIT Mesra ,RIMS, ISM Dhanbad , BIT Sindri, IIIT(proposed) are some of
them apart from St.Xaviers Group Colleges including XISS. All have a reputation of providing the best
technical Grads, Top Bureaucrats, Elite Medical Professionals and the latest being the brooding MBA
Being the state capital Ranchi is logistically very well connected with other nearby important and
potential places like Bokaro-Famous for Bokaro Steel plant; Dhanbad - famous for ISM-BIT sindri/
Jamshedpur-Tatanager Steel plant/Gaya-Famous for Bodhgaya Temple .
Moreover Ranchi is close to many industry and education hubs of the region. On the map of India,
Ranchi enjoys a Strategic Position in the east belt.